Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22

For the bellringer today we identified simple machines found in compound machines that I brought from home.
Make up bellringer: What simple machines make up a pair of scissors?
First we watched some Rube Goldberg machine video clips including this one found on YouTube.
We also watched a clip of Robots and identified simple machines.
Next we learned about mechanical advantage. Mechanical advantage (MA) is the advantage gained by using a machine. To determine the MA of an inclined plane we divide length by height. To determine MA of a lever we divide the distance between input and fulcrum by the distance between the fulcrum and the output.
Last we did a lab involving levers and inclined planes.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Bell Ringer: Name the 6 classes of simple machines.
First we watched Bill Nye "Simple Machines".
Next, we completed a work sheet about simple machines using the Ed Heads Simple Machine website.
Last of all we played a CRT review game.
Due today: Ed Head worksheet and Bill Nye Notes

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18, 2011

Bell Ringer: What is gravity?
We discussed gravity and how all objects have gravity. The earth is large so it has a stronger gravitational pull than a smaller object such as your desk. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon. We compared gravity to a trampoline. When a heavy object is on a trampoline other objects on the trampoline are drawn towards it. Gravity works this way except it pulls in all directions. Gravity is determined by the mass of an object and the distance. We then discussed the difference between mass and weight. Mass is the amount of matter and weight is the amount of gravitational pull on an object. You weigh less on the moon because their is less gravitational pull, but your mass remains the same. Check out the following website to see how much you would weigh on all the planets We then talked about how humans have worked to fight against gravity and we built bridges using straws and pins. The group with the strongest bridge won treats! A4 had two groups who built bridges that could hold 1000 pennies each! Make-up work: bell ringer