Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29/30

Bell Ringer:  Look at Carbon on the periodic table and then list the following:
Atomic #:
Atomic mass:
# of protons:
# of neutrons:
# of electrons:
Next, we went to the computer lab with the counselors and did an interest survey and students explored careers that fit their interest on the website.  This is a great website-check it out with your students. Then we began working on our element reports (rubric on the last page of the green packet).  We will spend time on Monday finishing the reports.  My website has some great sources for your element report.
Make Up:  Bell ringer

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 27/28

Bell Ringer:  List the parts of an atom
First we took notes on matter, atoms, and the periodic table and then we completed an activity using the periodic table.
Make Up:  Bell Ringer and get note packet from me (complete pages 1-3).

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23/26

Bell Ringer:  I showed a demonstration where I tipped a cup of water with a paper plate on it upside down and the plate stuck to the cup.  Students when were told to explain why they think the plate and water didn't fall out and they were to list questions that they have.  (example:  Does it work if the cup is filled to the top with water?)
Next, students worked in groups experimenting to answer the question "Under which conditions does the water stay in the cup and which conditions cause the water to fall?"
Then students worked on their graphing packets and if there was time we watched Bill Nye "Atoms."
Make Up:  Bell Ringer, try experiment at home, finish and turn in graphing packet.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 21/22

Bell Ringer:  Which type of graph would you use to show a plants growth over the course of a month?  Pie, Bar, or Line
First, I handed back tests and we went over the answers.  Next, we finished the paper airplane lab and created a graph to show our results.  Last of all, we began working on our graphing packets.
Make Up:  Bell ringer, finish paper airplane lab and graph results

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 19/20

Bell Ringer:  Turn in science notebooks.  (They should contain 4 bell ringers)
Next we reviewed for the test as a class and then we took the Unit 1 test on science processes and metrics.  Last, we worked on a paper airplane lab.
Make up:  Turn in notebook, Test, join up with a paper airplane lab group.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15/16

Bell Ringer:  We looked at old science fair posters and identified:  Independent variable, dependent variable, control, and controlled variables.
We discussed as a class and then we completed a controls and variables worksheet.
Make Up:  Bell Ringer and controls and variables worksheet

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13/14

Bell Ringer:  In the following experiment: "Which brand of battery lasts the longest?"  identify the independent variable, dependent variable, and 2 controlled variables.
When students finished with their bell ringer they worked on finishing the Sponge Bob worksheet assigned last class.  Next we did a Moebis strip lab in partners and then we corrected the Sponge Bob worksheet as a class.  We did not hand in Sponge Bob it should be stored with your notes-get the correct answers from a friend.  We then took a quiz that covered metrics and variables.
Make Up:  Bell Ringer, Moebis strip lab, quiz

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 9/12

Bell Ringer:  What is the difference between mass and weight?
We discussed the bell ringer as a class and viewed a website that shows weight on other planets.  Next we did a demo where the students came up with a hypothesis using a tennis ball can with holes in it.  They completed a worksheet (get from me in class).  Next, I demonstrated how to use a triple beam balance and the students completed a mass lab.  Last  of all the students completed a worksheet identifying variables in sponge bob experiments.
Make Up:  Bell Ringer, tennis ball hypothesis paper, mass lab, sponge bob worksheet

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 7-8

We didn't have a bell ringer today, instead we reviewed for the metrics quiz.  Next we took the metrics quiz (conversions) and corrected them in class.  Then we took notes on science process terms.  Last of all we completed "Is it an inference?" worksheet and finished up the length lab.  B-day classes were also given papers listing any missing assignments.
Make up:  Quiz and "Is it an inference?" worksheet

Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2/6 2011

Bell Ringer:  Place these units in order from largest to smallest:  deci, kilo, ceni, Basic Unit, hecto, deka, milli
180 mm=______________cm
1200 ml=______________l
50 dag=_______________g
Next we looked at pictures and made observations and inferences about them.  Then the students watched the black box demo and completed a worksheet where they made observations and inferences.  Last of all, students completed a Length Lab.
Make Up:  Bell Ringer, Black Box-(arrange to complete after school), length lab-(after school).