Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 13-16

Students are presenting their science experiments in class.
Make Up:  Students need to have their project turned in before Christmas for full credit.

Monday, December 12, 2011

December 9/12

Bell Ringer:  Write the equation for photosynthesis (don't use your notes).
Next students were given green photosynthesis and respiration packets.  We completed page 1 and 3 and then we watched Bill Nye "Plants".

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7/8

Bell Ringer:  What is photosynthesis? What is respiration?
First we had several students finish up their science experiments in class.  Next we took notes and drew pictures about respiration.
Make Up:  Bell Ringer, get notes from a friend

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 5/6

No Bell Ringer.
First your classmates were able to do some testing in class.  Next we finished the forms of energy chart worksheet as a class.  Then we took a quiz on the forms of energy.
Make up: finish forms of energy worksheet, quiz

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1/2

Bell Ringer:  Give an example for the following forms of energy:  Mechanical, Chemical, Thermal, Electromagnetic, Electrical, and Nuclear
Next students gave presentations on assigned forms of energy and filled in their forms of energy jigsaw worksheet.  Then students classified forms of energy using this worksheet and this powerpoint.  Then we watched this movie about energy use in the US and did this worksheet where students created graphs showing energy consumption in the US.