Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31 and February 1

Bell Ringer:  What would happen if you removed the top predator from an ecosystem?
First we watched the Lorax and discussed the impact humans have on the environment.  Then we read "Lessons from Wolves" and completed a worksheet to go with it.

Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27/30

Bell Ringer:  Give an example of each of the following types of symbiosis:  mutualism, commensalism, parasitism
Next we watched Trials of Life and students filled out a worksheet identifying the types of symbiosis.  Then they completed a food web on the back.  Last of all we played ecology vocabulary bingo.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 25/26

Bell Ringer:  What is the difference between a primary and secondary consumer?
First students were given some time to complete their food webs assigned during the previous class.  Then we did a food web review.  Last of all we watched Bill Nye Food Webs and played a game (ecology scatergories)  if we had time.

January 23/24

Bell Ringer:  What is the difference between a food chain and a food web.
First we finished going over ecology vocabulary (see previous post).  Then we completed the "Flow of Resources" worksheet as a class.  Next students completed "What's for Dinner" worksheet about food webs.  And then they began working on creating food webs.

January 19/20

Bell Ringer:  What is ecology?
First we reviewed photosynthesis and respiration using a whiteboard review.  Next we took a test on photosynthesis and respiration.  Last of all we took notes on ecology vocabulary using this power point.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 17/18

No bellringer.  We started by finishing our green packets.  Students turned in green packets and their science journals.  Last we began a plant lab and students chose seeds to plant in order to be used later.

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13

Last day of the term!  Today was mainly a make up day.  We worked on finishing the comics and green packets along with any other missing assignments.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11/12

Bell Ringer:  Describe how carbon cycles through the environment.
Today we worked on Photosynthesis and Respiration comics (page 6 in your green packet).
Make Up:  Bell Ringer and comic book.

January 9/10

Bell Ringer:  Write the equation for respiration.
Today we did a respiration lab using yeast.  No make up.

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 5/6

Bell Ringer:  Where does a plant get most of its mass?  Air, water, or the soil.  Explain why?
Next we did page 4 then page 2 in your green packet.
Make Up:  Bell ringer and page 4 the top paragraph and the questions on page 2.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3/4

No bell ringer today!
First, I passed out you science fair grades.  Everyone did a great job!  If you did not turn in your abstract, please still turn it in (25 points).  I will not deduct points, but I need it by next Friday.  Next we took an "After Christmas Quiz" and corrected them in class.  Then we reviewed photosynthesis and completed this worksheet.   If we had time we played an energy game.