Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 21

Bell Ringer:  List how we can increase the rate of a chemical reaction.
Today we learned how to create tables and graphs on Keynote.  We also answered the questions on page 3-4 of the chemical reaction packet.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19

Bell Ringer:  List ways to increase the rate of a chemical reaction.
Today we did a lab where students developed hypothesis and tested them.  Their question was "What is the quickest way to dissolve an Alka-Seltzer tablet?"  Students shared their data with the class and then each group developed a second hypothesis to test.  Students gathered data using their iPads and they will put their information together into a powerpoint next class period.
10 points extra credit for starting science fair before Thanksgiving. Students can take a picture, show me data, or have a parent send a note or email for proof.

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 1

Today we began by reviewing physical and chemical changes using this powerpoint.  Next, students completed an i-pad activity while I met with students individually to go over their science fair projects.