Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25

1) Bell Ringer:

  • What is the difference between an observation and an inference?
  • Write the metric prefixes in order from greatest to least:  hecto, base, milli, deca, deci, centi, kilo

2) Next, we did an observation scavenger hunt outside.

3) Then we did some more activities where we looked at photos and made observations and inferences.

4) Last of all, we began learning how to convert metric measurements.

Make Up:  Complete bell ringer and get a metric measurement worksheet from me.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Metrics Pre-test

1) Click on this link

2) Enter this Test ID (copy and paste)


3) Enter your student ID

4) Begin Test

First day of School! August 19th

1) Today we began class by playing people Bingo in order to learn each others names.
2) Next, we went over my disclosure document.  I need you to read over the disclosure with your parent by Friday, August 22. Click on the link below in order to read the disclosure.
3) Next, we went over the Alpine District AUP so students are aware of the District's internet policy.
4) Next, students signed the iPad contracts in order to use our classroom set of iPads.
5) Last of all students completed an iPad scavenger hunt in order to become familiar with the iPads and the Educreations app. 

Make-up work:  Go over disclosure with a parent or guardian.  Get an iPad contract from me and sign it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Welcome Back to School!

I am excited to meet you!  8th grade science is super fun and I think you will like it.  Here is your first assignment-don't worry it is easy. 

1)  You and a parent or guardian need to go over my disclosure document (Due August 22) .  If you prefer a paper copy you can get one from me during class and then you can have your parent email me or send a note stating that you went over the disclosure together.  Below is my disclosure document in a google form.  It will gather your name and class information so you can get credit for this assignment.

8th grade disclosure