Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Biome Project

You will draw one of the following biomes out of my jar and then you will use the links below to complete your assignment.

Use the following links to create your food webs posters:
Temperate Forest
Grassland (either African Savannah or North American Prairie)
Ponds and Lakes
Temperate Oceans
Tropical Oceans

This is what you need to include on your food web posters:
Title: Write the name of your biome in large letters don't forget to add your names too!
Organisms:  include at least 10 organisms and identify them as consumers, producers, and decomposers
Arrows:  draw arrows showing the flow of energy
Sun:  make sure to include the sun and show its role in the food web
Attractiveness: add pictures to make your poster pretty-I will be hanging them up! You can write the names of your organisms if you don't want to draw them.
Habitat Description:  briefly describe your biome.  Where on earth are they found