Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29/30

Bell Ringer:  List as many forms of energy as you can think of.
First we took notes on the forms of energy using this powerpoint.  Then students were assigned groups and one form of energy to research.
Make Up:  Bell ringer, notes

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 22/28

Today students were given time in class to work on their science experiment and use their classmates as test subjects.  Then we watched the mythbusters episode about mentos and coke.  We discussed the variables and scientific method.

November 18/21

No Bell Ringer:
First we did a review sheet where we went over physical and chemical change and then we did a gum lab.
Make Up: Physical and Chemical change review

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16/17

Bell Ringer:  List ways to speed up the rate of a chemical reaction.
Today we finished up the alka seltzer lab by designing experiments to decrease the rate of a chemical reaction.  Last of all we did the last page in the pink packet and turned them in.
Make up:  bell ringer, pink packet

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14/15

Bell Ringer:  Can we change the rate of a chemical reaction?  Give examples:
Next we worked on a lab involving alka seltzer tablets.  Students who missed this lab will need to arrange a time to make it up after school or during falcon time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10/11

Bell Ringer:  Identify the reactants and products in the reaction below:
Vinegar + Baking Soda -->Carbon Dioxide + water
Today we did a two part lab involving baking soda and vinegar. For the first part we tried to show conservation of matter and the second part we took temperature of the mixture before and after the reaction to show that this is a endothermic reaction.  Last of all we worked on computers to look up sources for our science fair projects.
Make Up:  Bell Ringer, lab (make arrangements with me), 5 sources for science fair

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8/9

Bell Ringer:  How does a glow stick work?  (Each student received a glow stick to observe and activate.)
Next I passed out the chemical reaction packet and students took notes and we did the cold pack and hot hand demos and answered the questions in the packet.  Then we did page 2 of the packet here are a couple clips we watched about fireworks maddow show and phantom fireworks.  Last of all I burnt several different types of chemical salts and we observed the colors.
Make Up:  Bell Ringer, get a packet from me and do pages 1 and 2

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4/7

No bell ringer!
First we played a review game and then we took a test.
Make Up:  Test

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2/3

Bell Ringer:  Turn in science notebooks.
First we finished watching October Sky.  Then we corrected the blue packets as a class and turned them in.  Next, we took a quiz on physical and chemical change and then we did a vocabulary crossword puzzle.
Make Up:  Turn in notebook, blue packet, quiz, vocabulary crossword puzzle

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 31 and November 1

Bell Ringer: Is making homemade rootbeer a chemical or physical change?  Why?
Next we did a dry ice lab and made rootbeer in class then we watched more of October Sky.
Makeup:  bellringer