Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Science Fair!!!!

Science Fair will be due December 16, 18, and 20th.  It is worth 100 points  with an additional 20 points for presenting in front of the class.  

You will want to either make a poster or powerpoint for the class presentation.  I encourage you to make a powerpoint, unless you would like to go on to district.  If you want to go to district you should create a trifold.  Here is a link to see some great examples.  

Here is a format that you can use to make your powerpoint:
  • Slide 1-title, name, period
  • Slide 2-question
  • slide 3 -hypothesis
  • slide 4-materials
  • slide 5-Independent variable, dependent variable, controlled variables, control
  • slide 6 procedures
  • slide 7-results (graphs/tables)
  • slide 8-conclusion
If you make a powerpoint on google docs you can share the document with me: jdamarjian@alpinedistrict.org and then it will be easy to open in class.  You can also email me your files.  You are also welcome to come in after school to use the iPads to create your presentation.  

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